

Basics of Government

This page will review 30 Basics of Government in association with the Little Lessons series.

Series 1: Basics of Government

1. Necessary Government
2. Government From The Ground Up
3. Dawn of Civilization
4. Birds of a Feather
5. Moses, Israel, and American Government
6. Aristotle, Cicero, and the Anglo-Saxons
7. Common Tyranny
8. Ancient Republics
9. Collectivism
10. Ruling Elite
11. Revolution for Democracy (or “Mob Rule”)
12. If Men Were Angels
13. Tree of Liberty
14. Rule of Law
15. Political Spectrum
16. Informed Electorate
17. Moral Society (“Public Virtue”)
18. Common Beliefs
19. Foundational Principles
20. Natural Law (or “God Given Rights”)
21. Final Arbiters of the Law
22. Moralists and Reformers
23. Remembering History
24. A Written Standard
25. Representative Government
26. Sacred Honor of Serving
27. When Religion and Politics are Symbiotic
28. An Educated Society
29. Culture War
30. Judicial System

1: Necessary Government

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." --Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776


In a society with no government, people have no freedom. In a society with too much government, people have no freedom.

Without government there is no law, and without law there are no enforcers of the law. In an anarchy, there is no freedom because the citizens must remain with their property to protect it.

When there is a government in place, there are laws in place, and a police force to enforce the laws. When a society has laws, the laws, and people like a sheriff, police force, or a fire department, are in place to enforce the laws, and protect the people’s rights and property. A society with a government in place can create an environment of freedom that allows citizens the ability to leave their property. . .

Learn more in the Little Lessons booklet, Series #1, Booklet #1. Purchase of these 12 page, $1 booklets will be available soon.

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